Of The 3

The Characters
ATOM: God’s First-Born
EMOTIONS: God’s Helpers

About The Author

Hello and welcome. To God goes the glory for His excellent greatness and merciful kindness, patience and forgiving ways, and most of all, for His unsolicited loving care for us all. May we seek His divine wisdom daily to fulfill our design and purpose, and to walk like Him in His Image and Likeness. Welcome!

Thank you for visiting our website. Pray that you come to find this book as a worthy contribution to your life with loved ones and your community as well. How it came about is a long story. But here is a summary of the events that led to our meeting today.

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A Colorful Brain Tree
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The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

Discover the scientific mysteries hidden parabolically in Torah and Biblical record.

The manifestation of the invisible ATOM recreated as evidence on earth.

“In the Beginning, God Created the Heavens and Earth”.

God, Genesis 1: 1

The Magnificence Of The 3 Front Book Cover



Hello and Welcome.

In case you have not read THE MAGNIFICENCE OF THE 3, this book is about two claims: first, God was fully aware of the ATOM when He declared that He created the heavens and earth in Genesis 1: 1; second, that after Adam and Eve were created, the rest of Biblical stories were parables about brain and human development.

The main characters are GOD, the ATOM and EMOTIONS. God was the Creator, and the ATOM and EMOTIONS were tools He used in designing ADAM. the first of mankind.

With this book, you will learn about how God preserved the scientific record of human brain design and development with biblical stories that had been discarded as myths and legends by our intellectuals.

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From Democritus to Einstein, the long search for the tiny atom Their existence was posited 2,500 years ago, and they were thought to be ‘indivisible’

“If You Only Knew the Magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, Then You Would Have the Key to the Universe”.

Nikola Tesla, Genius.



From Democritus to Einstein, the long search for the tiny atom
Their existence was posited 2,500 years ago, and they were thought to be ‘indivisible’


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