The Evidence
Is Overwhelming
About Our Author
Hello and welcome. To God goes the glory for His excellent greatness and merciful kindness, patience and forgiving ways, and most of all, for His unsolicited loving care for us all. May we seek His divine wisdom daily to fulfill our design and purpose, and to walk like Him in His Image and Likeness. Welcome!
Thank you for visiting our website. Pray that you come to find this book as a worthy contribution to your life with loved ones and your community as well. How it came about is a long story. But here is a summary of the events that led to our meeting today.
Life of Timeout A Tāumua. – Path To Becoming An Author
Born and raised in the South Pacific on an island called Samoa, I blame two events in my life that led me to this path. The first was a minor event in high school, but its psychological effect and influence not only gave life to a fantasy of mine but kept it alive even through all my life struggles. The only achievement I took from those years of my youth, was a rare grading compliment from my English teacher for an essay assignment. It was an A-minus grade if I remember correctly, and I was about to cry when he read the essay to the class; expressed his shock that I wrote it but complimented me anyway. It was the sole achievement of my high school days. The commendation gave life to a dream and fantasy, and that dream was to be published as an author.
The second incident was that after high school with nowhere to go, I thought of going to an Evangelist school to make a career as a Pastor. However, I was already drinking and had a liking for it. I ended up changing my mind as I came to conclude that a drinking Pastor was probably not the best route to lead a community with.
My life journey from that point included serving a prison life sentence in California from 1985 and was finally released in 2013. As this book began to come together, I came to admit that during these years, I began my preparation for the task without realizing it. For example, while incarcerated, I spent time writing to Legislative Members and organizations like The Little Hoover Commission with recommendations on how to improve the prison system, specifically on how to make it cost-effective. I even took a legal case through the federal courts and right up to the U.S. Supreme Court on my own.

The second incident was that after high school with nowhere to go, I thought of going to an Evangelist school to make a career as a Pastor. However, I was already drinking and had a liking for it. I ended up changing my mind as I came to conclude that a drinking Pastor was probably not the best route to lead a community with.
My life journey from that point included serving a prison life sentence in California from 1985 and was finally released in 2013. As this book began to come together, I came to admit that during these years, I began my preparation for the task without realizing it. For example, while incarcerated, I spent time writing to Legislative Members and organizations like The Little Hoover Commission with recommendations on how to improve the prison system, specifically on how to make it cost-effective. I even took a legal case through the federal courts and right up to the U.S. Supreme Court on my own.

“If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have the key to the universe”. Nikola Tesla.
The Big Question!
The Hardship
The Road Less Traveled
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While incarcerated, I kept the dream alive by writing short stories, but I really did not know what I wanted to write about. I thought about crime and prison life as subjects fascinated some, but to some of us who lived it, these were depressing subjects. I loved Victor Hugo’s “Les Misérables”, and Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged”, because of their influences on society. These were the kind of books I dreamed of writing but unfortunately, I lacked the proper education and training, especially when English was a second language to me.
While preparing myself for a parole release, I had to figure out what to do if I was blessed with one. This was when I decided that the book I had to write, would be the top ten pieces of scientific evidence to prove that God of the Christian was real. The reason behind the decision was this.
After twenty-two years in maximum level IV prisons, I finally qualified for the lower level IIIs and IIs and was approved to be housed there during the last six years of my term, and it was there that I met up with a different class of inmates. These were the ones we normally referred to as short-timers. These were inmates doing determinate short sentences and were released once sentences were done. I found out that their attitudes to life and plans for the future were not the same as those serving life sentences. While lifers were praying for second chances at life, this class did not. They were kids searching for manhood but most plans included crime and violence. They scared me as my own extended families live in communities where these kids had plans for. They defined for me, however, the meaning of fear that society had been saying on media for decades that criminals like me imposed on communities. I was one of these kids.
All those years that some of us were arguing about the inefficiency of the judicial and prison system were contradicted by these young kids. As I listened to their conversations, I came to conclude that no society can advance with such people who would impose constant fear on the population. There would come a time when a member of each family would have to stay awake at night as security. Eventually, this would be the future. In that case, this was going to be a long-term problem. We would never rest but be paralyzed with fear and anxiety. The question then was how could we fix this? It had been a problem, and still is today for analytical minds.
The Big Breakthrough!
The solution that came to me was to call for God. But in order for these young thugs to transform and make the transition, we have to prove by evidence that there is a God, and that there is a spiritual world after life on earth. Faith is difficult for these generations as they watch Christian leaders and churches take advantage of communities in the name of the Lord. The only faith generations after generations inherit from internet churches had been that God was only a myth, just as lessons about heaven and hell.
These kids’ lack of fear of the law and consequences were not rooted in survival even of natural beasts, but of something beyond the pits of hell. Whatever it was, it was a problem worth investigating and exploring. One possible solution that I could come up with, was to provide evidence proving that humans evolved every day and that survival extended beyond life on earth. Mortal death is not an end but another step of evolution. I made the decision then that after release, I would search for the top ten pieces of scientific evidence showing that God of the Jews, Christians and Muslims was real. This was going to be the book to write as my contribution to society.
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It was after I made this decision that I met God. Coincidentally, it happened while walking to meet the Parole Board to determine whether I was suitable for release. I was blessed with a parole date after about two hours of this meeting with God.
It took me a long time trying to figure out the meaning of what happened that day though. The events that led to this meeting began with an argument with my wife the day before the hearing.
The argument was her insistence that Isay a prayer in the holding cell while waiting to attend hearing, and to recite Psalm 23 before I attended hearing. I got upset not because I had to pray, but because wifey wanted me to recite scripture to her on phone like a child. I didn’t fully memorize scripture yet then like she commanded me a month earlier. That was how I prepared psychologically the night before the hearing. It was all stress at this point, but this process was normally years of unmitigated stress for the unwary. It was my life.
However, once I was placed in the holding cell down the hall from the board room, I said my prayer and recited my recommended scripture. Immediately after, I felt calm settling in, and stress and anxieties were replaced with confidence. I began to relax. The guard finally came, and I stepped out. There were only about ten steps from the cell to the boardroom door.
It was when I stepped through the door that I came to believe today, was when I met God. The door opened and as I took my first step across the doorway into the room, it was then I felt a sensation that I can only define today as a form of cleansing. I felt everything falling off my body. There was an emptiness within me that years after, I came to conclude that this was what death must have felt like: PEACE. It lasted only a milli-second, but I was confident that this was a spiritual experience. I believed I died there as I took that one step entering the board room. I can say today that Ino longer fear death because of this experience.
As I took my second step into the room, peace turned to unwavering confidence that I was going home. No stress, no worries, but confidence. I suspected that this was the meaning of what it was like when people claimed with unwavering faith that God was on their side. This was my turn. As that I did not die the mortal death, I came to reason with myself that what I felt, in consideration of the parole hearing outcome, was a form of cleansing. I convinced myself that day that I had met God. The only question then was: why?
The answer did not fully come to view until after I read the second edit of this book. It was then that I fully acknowledged and confirmed that I did meet God that day and the reason was for this task. Why God chose me will remain a mystery. This is the only rational explanation however for how the book turned out as there had been better people and millions more with close relationships with God, who could have found these scientific pieces of evidence God planted in the record but did not. I would not have found them without God leading me there. It is the only viable explanation.
This book was done without a draft. As I recorded the information, more dropped on my lap and were added. For example, I began this journey by drafting a book about the first seven days of creation. It was during my research that I came across the invisible atom and its structure. Then I saw the link between heaven and earth right away and this book came to life. It was later on that I came across Tesla’s theory of the magnificence of the 3, 6, and 9. This was an example of information that dropped on my lap that provided additional support for my claims while writing.
The Conclusion
Overall, I cannot help but believe that my life journey was in preparation for this task. The book as presented is like a legal motion with claims and points in support attached. Even though I did not make it to a university to prepare myself for this task, my limited legal experience did. Hopefully, it was enough to present points and claims across comprehensively. I attended a writers’ group meeting recently that had author J.D. MacHale of the Pendragon book series, a director, and an executive producer as the speaker. He spoke about how readers would ask author Stephen King why he chose to write his specific genre of books rather than something else. King’s response was that this was what came out of his mind and nothing else, and it was the same with him as well.
After I got out, I began my amateurish writing career by submitting some articles to our Samoa Observer newspaper at home and was surprised that they published them. I also self-published a book on Amazon titled “The Only GOD: The U.S. Constitution, And the Democrats”. All these were consistent with the pattern of identifying problems, accompanied by suggested solutions on how to deal with them. The pattern continues with this book and after the last edit, I now firmly believe that God prepared me for this task.
Author MacHale helped me understand a bit more about how I came about with this book. Being analytical was how my brain stayed active and how I maintained it to stay alive in prison. All those contacts with government officials to provide ideas on how to improve the judicial and prison systems, as well as experiences in playing lawyer by going through the Courts, were directly related to a mind that was more critical than most, a byproduct of a brain that was in the constant analytical mood in the prison environment to improve my survival. I could not write a romance novel as this was not what came out of my mind. It will be difficult to write a book about crime and punishment as the memories include anxieties and stress.
There was always that ember glowing in the back of my brain when considering the structure of the environment such as the sun rising each day without fail, as evidence in itself that we take for granted, of deliberate design. In that case, the Creator had to leave the record somewhere. The question was where?
As it turned out, the evidence was planted throughout the biblical record but as parables. After I saw the atom as something more than an ordinary matter under its scientific purpose, then the biblical record opened up.
I originally wanted to present information in a three-book series. But then I wondered about what would happen to the information loaded into my brain if I walked out of the house and got run over or something. So I decided to pack all into one book and make it into foundation that others can expand upon on their own in case of my sudden demise. So this book comes fast at you like a speeding train. Even though it isa non-fiction, you will find however as more of a mystery novel as many of unexplained biblical stories that were once myths or legends, can now be explained by our scientific experts.
So this is a short introduction about how this book came about. If you are a Seeker, it is your purpose as well to pass the information forward for others to make their calls with, if the information has merits and survival values.
In the Beginning God Created The Heavens And The Earth!
Thank you for visiting and please leave your email and subscribe to our newsletter so we can chat now and then, and follow along as once this book is out, I will rewrite it into two books, and add on the information that I left out, and the ones that came to me after I submitted the final edit.
With God’s Grace, go in peace and stay Blessed.
Timeout A. Taumua.
Author, of “THE MAGNIFICENCE OF THE 3”; and “The Only GOD, The U.S. Constitution, And The Democrats”.
“For My Thoughts Are Not Your Thoughts, nor Are Your Ways My Ways,” Says the Lord”.
Isaiah 55: 8 NKJV
Our Primary Goal
My personal primary goal as I pray is for the community to review claims with unbiased lens and expand on the foundation provided if warranted.
As a community, our primary goal as I pray, is for our generations to build a foundation for long-lasting peace globally for our descendants. Human brains developed on fear and anxiety will eventually affect human sustenance and development as designed.
Our primary goal as God’s people I pray, however, is for this foundation to be structured around God if the pieces of evidence as submitted with claims favor God as the truth.
The biblical stories in parabolic forms as I claim, were about God’s design of the human brain, tools God designed for its development, and projections of its evolution. In that case, the decades of unmitigated and ongoing sanctioned violence call for the validation and fulfillment of prophecies of the Book of Revelations.
However, the revelation of the identities of the four biblical icons to our generations may be our salvation. I suspect that those responsible for provoking and advocating for this global violence took the side of monkey evolution rather than the side of God as the Designer. Most, unfortunately, distinguished themselves as God’s people but as typical for centuries, used the name of God in pursuit of their own evil purposes.
As you are alive during the revelation of the truth about God’s treasures, then you have time to adjust and evolve successfully like the condemned prisoner who was crucified with Jesus. There is time and in case you understand and accept the evidence as presented in book, then put on your Priestly robes and walk the extra mile for mankind. We need to change course to honor what God designed and created specifically for us to enjoy.
Take a timeout from your true selves if needed and walk towards finding peace for a change good people. This is our primary goal as based on God’s record, this is a preferred method of living. Fear God and love one another. So simple and yet so elusive and the price had been God’s peace.
May you continue to walk in His Grace and have a wonderful and blessed day.
Timeout A. Taumua.
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