The Biblical Triune Brain Development

September 24, 2023
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Trinity Design of the Human Brain

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This blog is related to subjects discussed in the “THE MAGNIFICENCE OF THE 3” book, and this one is about my claim that the Biblical design of the human brain, was in parallel to structural brain design as proposed by Dr. Paul MacLean in his “triune brain theory” (Howe, 2018).

As I claim in book and promotional videos, I support the proposition by Dr. MacLean that the human brain was developed in three separate sections. What I don’t subscribe to is the Doctor’s suggestion that it was the reptiles that developed the brain and eventually mammals and mankind added the other layers on, which suggested that man came from reptiles.

What the Torah and Old Testament archived parabolically, was that man and beast were all created at the same time, and therefore began with the same brain units referred to by MacLean as the reptilian brain, and then the other two were developed later. This means that according to the biblical creation record, man was no different from beasts of the field neurologically if all began life with the same brain unit. That was how God presented His creation record but ignored by our religious scholars.

I am going to point out three separate biblical events, each with its own markers that God left on record to preserve the evidence of how He designed the brain to be developed in three separate sections. I am using the identities of each brain unit as identified by Dr. MacLean to explain biblical brain design as well.

The classifications of triune brain theory given to each brain unit began with the reptilian brain, then to the second unit called the limbic unit or emotional brain, then to the third unit referred to as the neocortex, the rational or the smart brain (Muller, n.d.). 

Dr. MacLean’s triune brain design provides the layout that makes it easier for me to explain biblical design of the brain as recorded in parables. I also support the division of the brain into three sections beside evidence submitted below and in book, but because the fundamental design of heaven and earth evolves around a number, that of Nikola Tesla’s “magnifience of the three”. This number is the representation of the atom’s particles. As the brain is a fundament organ responsible for life and survival of all species, then it should not be a surprise that it was structured as a trinity. Here was how God preserved it.

A. The Reptilian Generations of Genesis

According to God, both man and beast were created in the same week. As it turned out according to science, both man and beast still carry a similar brain unit today that came to be classified as the reptilian brain (Simon, 2015). So God and science support each other.

Therefore, our ancestors who were Adam and Eve, began life equipped with the same brain as beasts of the field. Where is the evidence? My first piece of supporting evidence came about after Eve was created where God made this comment:

“And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed”. Genesis 2: 25 (NKJV).

What God preserved in this scripture, was the state of the brains of the first couple after they were created. This statement provided a piece of evidence that defined the nature of Adam and Eve’s brains then. This evidence survived for millenniums as it is still displayed by animals today where they are still running around naked without shame. This was the meaning of God’s claim about Adam and Eve that they were “naked … and were not ashamed”.

This means that Adam and Eve initially began life as full-fledged beasts of the field, and the evidence is still available today. Sounds blasphemous but this was God’s record. God then told a story in parable that I now claim, was not about sin and death, but about brain development and projection of the future for mankind.

This was the second marker of the biblical design of human brain development, and it came through the story about Eve, desire, the snake, the tree of knowledge and the Garden of Eden. See Genesis 3: 1–7 (NKJV).

Science had been searching for the period that man began separating from beasts of the field. It was here in this scene in Genesis with the story about Eve and the snake in the Garden of Eden, that God recorded the fundamental design of the brain behind the separation. Here is a short summary.

After God created Adam and placed him in the Garden of Eden, God then ordered Adam not to eat the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge that was in the Garden, or else he would die. Eve was then created.

A snake however showed up one day and told Eve that she would not surely die if she ate the fruit from the tree of knowledge, but she would be like God who would know good and evil instead.  Eve then looked the fruit of the tree over, but for some unknown reason until now, God included desire in Eve’s decision to eat the fruit. And this is what the scripture says:

“And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat”. Genesis 3: 6 (NKJV) (emphasis added).

The presence of desire initially caught my eye as it had no business in the story, as even if it was left out, it would not have changed the message if the message was about Eve eating the forbidden fruit.

As it turned out, it was a parable of great proportion scientifically and it had to do with desire. According to some experts and philosophers as discussed in book, desire is an emotion. They support God as this was exactly the point why God included desire in the story that had to do with knowledge.

As is now generally accepted by our experts, behind every human action or behavior is an emotion. In that case, the emotion responsible for Eve’s decision to go for knowledge as God presented it, was “desire”. Desire however was much more than an emotion as I claim because as it turned out, God presented desire parabolically in two scientific ways: first, desire was presented as the mother of emotions, and second, desire was presented as a neutron (I will explore desire as a neutron further in the next blog however).

What I mean of desire as a mother, is that desire gives life to all emotions. No emotion can be activated without the consent of desire. For example, you cannot be angry without desire, same thing with love, hate, remorse or forgiveness. All are rooted on desire. This was why desire was included in story with Eve.

Desire then was the second biblical marker for God’s brain development design. Desire was presented as the representative of emotions for the story. Desire as understood today scientifically as an emotion, was the biblical root of the separation of man from beast while both were equipped with the reptilian brain.

What God was trying to tell us, was that emotion was designed to be the root for knowledge. Desire as the mother of emotions was their representative in parable and was responsible for Eve’s decision. As it turned out, our experts now discovered that emotions do influence our behaviors just as God projected with Eve (Cherry, Emotions and Types of Emotional Responses, 2023).

Recent research from the fields of neurobiology as reported by the University of Haifa in 2015, found that learning and memory are tied to emotion (Siegel-Itzkovich, 2015). This is very interesting and recent, but this discovery revealed the parable God preserved in the Garden of Eden when He included desire the emotion in a decision by Eve to go for knowledge for no reason at all.

What God made known then was that the brain was designed to expand with knowledge, but the root of knowledge would be emotion. The studies are now showing up to validate a biblical story involving the snake, Eve, knowledge, desire, and the Garden of Eden.

Identifying what the Tree of Knowledge and Garden of Eden are as I present them in book, will explain this link between emotion and knowledge much further making it easier to understand.
Anyways, immediately after Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, then came the third piece of supporting evidence. This was what God preserved in record.

“Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves coverings.” Genesis 3: 7 (NKJV).

God made the projection here of how the brain was designed to be developed using emotion. God marked the separation period biblically of man from beasts that evolutionists are searching for today then with desire the emotion as the root.

God presented the humans first as being “naked without shame” as beasts of the fields today display, and then after an emotion was identified to be behind the motivation to go for knowledge, their eyes were opened and recognized their nudity.

This archived the moment that the human brain was awakened or activated, and it was done by an emotion (desire). The separation of man from beast had begun as the first brain unit of the humans were activated.

So according to God, the brain was designed to expand with knowledge, but emotion was going to be the root of this expansion.

Therefore, the first ten generations of mankind beginning from Genesis chapters 3 – 8 was where the reptilian unit was developed according to God. It is my claim that its development ended with the flood and God left markers there for us to discover.

B. The Limbic or the Emotional Brain Unit

Then the second stage of brain development began. God chose Noah’s family as the fittest to survive and God again preserved the tools as evidence of the second stage of brain development with family and it was preserved in Genesis 9: 3 – 4 (NKJV). This is what it says.

“Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. I have given you all things, even as the green herbs. But you shall not eat flesh with its life, that is, its blood”. (emphasis original).

It is my claim that in these two verses, God again separated man further from beast by first, changing man’s diet to include meat; and second, man was forbidden to eat meat with blood but to cook it. Why?

Both changes turned out to be scientific as the fruits and herbs diet of the reptilian brain, see Genesis 1: 29 – 30 (NKJV), did not provide two crucial tools needed for brain development.

These tools were omega-3 fatty acids (Hjálmarsdóttir, 2022), and vitamin B12 which are provided exclusively by animal meat (Downey, 2021). Omega-3 fatty acids are also provided by some nuts however, but not enough. These two tools are important even today for brain development.

Here is a simple example of the science behind the change in diet. Gorillas with much bigger bodies should have bigger brains, but they don’t compared to humans and the plain difference between the two had been the diet. This is a simple example of a scientific discovery that helps explain what God meant by changing the diet to include living things. This is discussed further in book.

The meat, however, could not be eaten raw but was mandated to be cooked. As it turned out, there is also another scientific reason for it. Cooked meat makes it easier for the gut to absorb calories much more rapidly and this also contributes to rabid brain expansion according to experts (Wanjek, 2012). This is also explained further in the book.

With the family God chose to repopulate the world with, God made known that a new brain was about to be developed and according to the triune brain theory, this second brain unit was going to be the limbic, or the emotional brain as some refer to it.

So the change in diet was God’s way of preserving his scientific evidence of how the second brain unit began its development.  It must had begun when  man first discovered  fire.  For the Bible’s second brain unit, it was developed beginning with the change in diet with Genesis 9, and up to the last book of the Old Testament. The change in diet and with cooked meat, were therefore biblical markers that God used to preserve the scientific evidence of His brain design.

C. Neocortex or the “Smart Brain”

Then we come to the New Testament when God returned as the Son. God also left markers here as well as notifications of the beginning development of the new brain. These markers were very interesting.
There were three of them. These were:

(1) the three gifts given to Jesus, 

(2) the men who brought gifts were identified specifically as “wise” men; and

(3), the direction where they came from which was the East.

For purposes of this blog, I am only explaining the meaning of the first two markers and leave the third one for you to explore in book as it takes a bit more to explain the meaning of the East of Eden as a direction in parable.

The three gifts. So first, remember that the title of my book is the “THE MAGNIFICENCE OF THE 3”. The three gifts added to the pattern that began with the reptilian brain unit initially in Genesis 1: 27 (male and female), and in other events in the Garden of Eden discussed in book.

When the second brain unit was about to be developed, God recorded the passing of the magnificence of the three through the blessings Noah gave his sons, see Genesis 9: 24-27 (NKJV). Each of the three sons represented a particle of the atom. See video #5 on YouTube channel: tm3club:

God again did the same here with the three gifts at the beginning stages of the development of the third brain unit (Mathew 2: 11), just as He did with Noah in the beginning stage of developing the second brain unit.

The three gifts was preserved as evidence showing the passing of the magnificence of the three from the second unit to the third brain unit to be developed. This was the first element of the parable.

Second, were the gifts themselves which were of gold, myrrh and frankincense. To understand the parable, God first showed me what the gifts had in common. They were all part of the Tabernacle and Temple.

Gold was used as material for the Ark of the Testimony and furnishings of the Tabernacle. Whereas myrrh was an oil used to anoint the tent and furniture of the Tabernacle, see Exodus 30: 23-33 (NKJV). Frankincense was an incense burned on the altar of incense, see Exodus 30: 34-38 (NKJV).

It is my claim that when these were presented as gifts to God upon His second return, it was to prophecy the upcoming destruction of the Temple which Jesus eventually personally put it into words. See Mathew 24: 1-2 (NKJV).

Even though the Temple was designed and built by Solomon, its furniture were designed by God personally. Therefore, when they were offered as gifts to Jesus, it meant that the wise men saw the destruction of the Temple coming and preserved the evidence by returning God’s belongings.

Third, as the Tabernacle and Temple with their furnishings were tools that played roles in developing the emotional brain, the three gifts then were also meant to mark the end of the development of the second biblical brain unit, as the transition to the new brain began to take shape.

This part of the parable was revealed with nature of the punishment allotted to the violation of rules implemented for the proper use of myrrh and frankincense. According to God, the punishment for the misuse was the individual “shall be cut off from his people”, see Exodus 30: 35, 38 (NKJV). It was interesting that these two gifts had this rule attached to both of them, but the rules support my claim that they were meant to provide the meaning and evidence of the end of the development of second brain unit, as the Temple and it furniture, were tools used for developing the brain as well.

The nature of punishment reflected the ending period of the development of the second brain unit. These were the reasons why myrrh and frankincense were used as gifts. The tools used in developing the second brain unit were about to be destroyed (Tabernacle furniture and Temple), thereby marking the cut-off stage of developing the second brain unit.

Fourth, this was where the kind of men who showed up with gifts fell into the convenient coincidence category. The classification of these men biblically projected the kind of brain that was about to begin developing. A wise one! The reason for this conclusion was because these men were not priests, rabbis, Judges, soldiers, or any other kind, but were identified as “wise” men. Why?

God made it simple for us to discern the meaning of the parable. Being that it was “wise” men who came to return God’s tools as “gifts”, dictated the type of brain that was going to be developed.

Coincidentally, our own wise men ended up classifying the third brain unit as the neocortex, the “rational” or the “smart” brain. Our experts conveniently explained what God meant by calling the visitors as “wise” men.

The gifts brought by “wise” men from the East, were markers that I claim were placed on record as evidence parabolically, for us to identify the third brain unit with, which turned out to parallel the identification given to the new brain by our experts as the “rational” or the “smart” brain.

There is additional evidence outlined in book however involving the direction the “wise” men journeyed from (east) that provided additional evidence in support of my claim. The east was where Cain moved to in relation to the Garden of Eden and built the first city on earth without any peers to learn from. Genesis 4: 16 (NKJV). You can explore this evidence in book.

These are my biblical markers that I am claiming God set in place to mark the passing of the magnificence of the three to the future generations, in the beginning stages of developing each new brain unit. As discussed in book, God’s biblical design is supported by Dr. MacLean’s triune brain theory.

All three of these biblical brain units however, involved the presence of an emotion to plant the point that emotions were needed for brain development. For example, the reptilian brain was awakened by “desire”. In the limbic unit, the emphasis was on “fear, remorse and forgiveness” that were developed there. In the modern or “wise” brain, were instructions about the proper applications of emotions (Sermon on the Mount), including forgiveness and remorse.

Emotions after all according to decision by Eve, were going to be the roots of knowledge. Therefore, the parable about Eve had nothing to do with sin and death, but a story to preserve the design of the human brain, that was created in the Image and Likeness of God.

However, there is another scientific evidence that God included in the design of our brain structures that is neither a theory nor a parable. It is a scientific fact and evolutionary, and we close out this discussion with it.

According to our experts, around six or seven weeks of fetus development, its brain automatically separates into sections. And guess how many sections? That’s right! Three of them! Not four, five, ten or twenty, but just three sections (Lindbert, 2020). Accidental or deliberate? Competing theories against the triune brain theory ignored this scientific fact staring them in the face.

This is another one of those convenient coincidence that science inadvertently provides the evidence to explain a Biblical parable with. This design left with the fetus appears to have been done as if on purpose in anticipating of evolutionists’ own theory in attempt to discredit Dr. MacLean’s triune brain theory”.

The biblical design and plans in preserving the evidence was just pure MAGNFICICENT. The theme was for us to discover that brain expansion with knowledge, was going to rooted in emotion. That is now confirmed by our scientists.

This is it for now till next time. This is just one example of claims in book. So hope you grab a copy of THE MAGNIFICENCE OF THE 3 and make your own call whether the universe was designed or an accident. Go in peace and with God’s will and grace, we shall meet again. Thank you and stay Blessed.

Timeout A. Tāumua, Author




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