The Bigger the Tribe
The Bigger the Brain
Social Brain Hypothesis
The Bigger the Brain
Social Brain Hypothesis
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God, the Atom, and Free Will: Part II
Hello and welcome. Thank you for stopping by. This is Part II of my contentions and opinion related to the…Timeout Taumua
In Memory Of A Son of God: Yitzhak Rabin
A. The Murder and Retributions of Leviticus 26. I remember the light-hearted celebrations on the streets of Israel after…Timeout Taumua
God, the Atom, and Free Will: Part I
Does the Atom have free will? I recently came across online reviews and blogs related to a recently released…Timeout A. Taumua
God’s Helpers: Eve and Desire
Hello and Welcome. Thank you for stopping by. For this blog, I am going to discuss a little bit…Timeout A. Taumua
The Biblical Triune Brain Development
Trinity Design of the Human Brain Hello and Welcome. Thank you for stopping by. This blog is related to subjects…Timeout A. Taumua
GOD’s First-Born
The ATOM Hello and blessed I am with your visit today. Thank you for stopping by. This blog is…Timeout A. Taumua
The Biblical Manifestation of the Atom
The only thing God did not say He created in record was "waters" of Genesis 1: 2.Timeout A. Taumua
The Gentiles’ Promised Land.
Liberty of the Second Most Important Command Hello and welcome. Thank you for visiting. This blog is a poem dedicated…Timeout A. Taumua

State of Faith
“For My Thoughts Are Not Your Thoughts, nor Are Your Ways My Ways,” Says the Lord”.
Isaiah 55: 8 NKJV
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