Re-Writing Project

Hello and Welcome.

I first thank God Almighty for blessing us with another day to enjoy His miracles, Wisdom, and Understanding. With God’s Grace, I bid you welcome. And second, I thank you for taking the time to stop by and hopefully, you will be part of like-minded Seekers who subscribe to the idea that the Bible is a scientific document that needs analysis by our very best.


Development History

I originally planned on a three-book series about the scientific nature of the Bible. But when I discovered the atom and its secrets, my plans changed. As more information dropped on my lap, I decided to add them all into one book. The reason was that I began worrying about the fate of the information God blessed me with if I walked out of the house and got run over.

So I changed my plan and decided to load as much information as I could onto one book. The “THE MAGNIFICENCE OF THE 3” ended up as a 600-page book as a result. Too big for a non-fiction as my agent advised me. I don’t think he fully understands how humongous our GOD is though. HEHEHE! Not enough books to describe His wisdom, understanding, and design of heaven and earth I swear. So following on advice, I took out a lot of information during edits and I ended up compacting information to lessen the size. This is why if you noticed, the information comes at you faster than a speeding train. If you are not careful, you will miss a point.

But then during edits, much more information dropped on me that should have been included to strengthen my claims as evidence but couldn’t. All these points will contribute to further understanding of God’s scientific design of heaven and earth that had been hidden in parabolic stories.

Future Plans
So I now plan on rewriting the book but will submit claims with two books. I believe it will serve the community better as well and with these two books, I want to bring in some experts from various fields of science such as physics, biology, and neurology, to help explain the evidence much better. If you noticed, I used information from the internet to explain the evidence, but I believe it will help the reluctant much better if experts who understand my claims get personally involved in the next books.

I also want to spend more time blogging for the purpose of clarifying points of claims as presented in the book. As the information is fresh, extra work in clarification is most likely needed by some interested members of the community. 

A Call To Action
My problem is that I am a working stiff. The project took ten years as at times, I worked six or seven days a week. As of now, family support helps me in closing out this first book as I am only working part-time. I want to stop working though and concentrate on finishing the project, but it depends on how well the book will be received and how well it will do on sales.

I am 63 years old, so I only have a good ten years left for this project to get done, before memory deteriorates as the norm. So time is of the essence. I await my prayers for more time with God’s blessing, but as of now, I need to concentrate on getting the information to you and the community.

With this book, we are now armed to the teeth against God’s adversaries and general troublemakers. God showed us the key and furthering knowledge and our understanding of God’s design shall be our primary goal, with a final solution of finding rest and peace for our descendants and the preservation of mankind.  And I will need experts to team up with to improve the clarification of God’s scientific design of heaven and earth.

With your blessing, a bit of donation or sponsorship will improve the chances of getting the project done if you can spare it. If not, no worries as with your prayers as well, I will try my best to get information out to you.

If you are willing to sponsor project, please send a message with an email through the CONTACT forms on website and I will get back to you. 

I thank you for taking the time to visit, for your consideration, and loving sacrifice.  Get to know God the Scientist and shock yourself numb.  Stay blessed.


Timeout A Taumua, Author