God’s Helpers: Eve and Desire

October 13, 2023
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      For this blog, I am going to discuss a little bit about the subject of Emotion, and how God preserved the parable in the incident involving Eve and desire when Eve decided to go for knowledge. The design needs better minds to explain it to you though.

A. Eve.


     Emotion is a complicated subject and of continuing debate. The most important part of the debate for me, however, is about whether emotion was learned from the environment as the evolution crowd proposes, or whether emotions were hardwired into the human body when created, or in scientific terms, innate (Simon-Thomas Emilian R., 2017).


  Because of the generally accepted roles emotions play in our survival today according to experts (Cherry, 2022), this acceptance played a role in unlocking the meaning of Eve’s assignment as the “helper” in the biblical record for me. I came to this conclusion with these steps summarized here but discussed further in the MAGNIFICENCE OF THE 3.

B.     The Transfer from the Heavens to Earth.

      First, it is my claim that when Adam was created, God designed him in imitation of the atom’s structural design. As Adam the first man was made from the atom (Helmenstine, 2019), all the elements that the atom was designed with, including the positive and negative elemental design of the particles, were loaded into him. God made this known immediately after Adam was created in Genesis 1: 27 where he said:

“So God created man in His own image; in the image of God

He created him; “male” and “female” He created them”. (emphasis added)

      The “male and female” God created Adam with, was a reference or acknowledgment of the inclusion of the opposite-attract particles of the Atom in designing Adam. God did not call them by their scientific titles of negative electron and positive proton but preserved their nature as opposite-attract by referring to them as “male and female”.

      This was the first instance where the image of God showed up (opposite-attract) and was later explained by the snake during the conversation with Eve, where the snake referred to God as the God who knew “good and evil”. Genesis 3: 5 (NKJV). The “good and evil” image coincidentally is also opposite-attract Biblically.

      As Adam was already loaded with the design of the Atom, this “male and female” element of the design made it possible for God to create Eve (female) from Adam’s rib (male).

      Furthermore, it is my claim that not only did God use the “male and female” reference to record the nature of the tool He used in creating Adam (atom), but that He designed Adam in imitation of the atom’s design.

      This means that since there is only one type of atom so far according to our experts (the one with only three particles), God preserved the evidence of His awareness of the atom by how He went about designing Eve from Adam’s rib. The message God archived here was that He was fully aware of the Atom and with the method He used in creating Eve, God preserved the scientific fact that turned out to be true, that there had been only one type of atom from the beginning. This one was designed with opposite-attract particles and a neutron.

      There is scientific evidence that God preserved within the design of the human body, which explains the meaning of why He was able to create the female from the male body. For example, tt is a scientific fact that the brains of all fetuses begin as female brains (News, 2006). This means that even males begin life as females neurologically.

      It looks simple but this modern scientific fact makes it easier to absorb an assertion that a female could be created from a male as God claimed. God did not leave anything to chance but left the evidence neurologically.

      But when Eve was created, God made it known that her purpose was that of the “helper” for the man. Genesis 2: 20 (NKJV). The definition of “helper” depends on the school of thought a scholar has been influenced by. Understanding the structure of the Atom and how the operation of its particles influences the immortal survival of the Atom, provided the first clue as to the classification God gave Eve as the “helper”.

C.     The Re-design of the “opposite-attract” particles as Helpers for Mankind.

      Then God made a move that I just cannot find the proper words for. He created Eve and classified her as the “helper”.

      Now remember what I said above that the atom’s survival depends on the operation of its opposite-attract particles? It was through my understanding of the operation and purpose of the atom’s particles that gave the first clue as to the meaning of the classification given to Eve as the “helper”.

      The full meaning of what God preserved for us, regarding the role He gave Eve as the helper, revealed itself to me during the incident where Eve decided to go for knowledge. The incident began with a conversation between the snake and Eve. Genesis 3: 1- 7 (NKJV)

      There were quite a few scientific elements involved in these seven sentences alone discussed in book. But for this blog, we focus mainly on the redesign of the atom’s particles to create the first man with. It was revealed during this incident that Eve the helper decided to go for knowledge by eating the forbidden fruit. Here is the record.

Then the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die. For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” 6 So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate. She also gave to her husband with her, and he ate. Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves coverings”. (emphasis added).

      It was through this conversation that God used to preserve the redesign of the atom’s particles, and God used the snake to reveal it by identifying God with characteristics of being “good and evil”. This image of God, incidentally, revealed that He was also designed like the atom as an “opposite-attract”.

      Then a monumental scientific gem was then recorded and attached to Eve the helper. This gem was the first emotion God preserved in this biblical scene. This emotion was “desire”. It caught my eye as the more I analyzed the sentence, the more I came to conclude that the author intentionally included this first emotion for a reason. This is because there was absolutely no reason why “desire” was included in the scene as even without it, it would not have changed the message that Eve did decide to go for knowledge. I came to conclude based on the presentation, that “desire” was included in story for a reason but what was it?

D.     God’s Helper: Desire The Mother of Emotions.

      I then went looking for information related to emotions and “desire”. It was then I found out that because of the role emotions play in our survival, our experts consider emotion as the helpers for mankind (MacCann, 2021).

      The design of emotions coincidentally fit right in with the design of heaven and earth as it turns out, our experts classify emotions into two groups: “positive” and “negative” emotions (Ackerman, 2019). One expert listed five basic reasons how emotions help us: (1) they motivate us to act; (2) help us avoid danger; (3) help us make a decision; (4) they help others understand us; (5) helps you understand others (Cherry, 2022), supra.

      This classification as given to emotions then lit up the lightbulb. Based on these expert findings, it is then established that emotions come in groups of positive and negative, similar to the design of the atom’s particles. Their purposes as well are similar to the purposes of the atom’s particles. This purpose is to help us survive.

      So what Eve of the Bible and emotions of science have in common, is that both had been classified as “helpers”. What God did next was beautiful. He brought Eve and the first emotion, that of “desire” together in a decision to go for knowledge.

      What is even more astounding now after thousands of years, is that as it turns out, our scientists finally connected emotions to attaining knowledge. For thousands of years, we have focused on the sexual nature of desire to explain its inclusion in the incident in the Garden of Eden. But with latest research and how emotions have been linked to learning and memory (Siegel-Itzkovich, 2015), I finally understand the point God preserved for us to discover.

      The reason why God classified Eve as the “helper” and included “desire” in Eve’s decision to go for knowledge, has finally been revealed by our scientists after thousands of years. God included both “desire” and Eve in story, to reveal the meaning of their purposes and roles. Eve was classified as a helper but including “desire” in Eve’s decision to go for knowledge, explains the purpose and role emotions were designed to play in human survival. This purpose was explained by their decisions to go for knowledge. Both coincidentally have been classifed as “helpers”: Eve by God and emotions by our experts.

      As emotions turned out to be designed as opposite-attract, it just added icing to the cake in support of my claim that “desire” which I labeled as the Mother of Emotions, was included in the story and coupled with Eve in making the decision to go for knowledge, to help explain the meaning of Eve’s classification as the “helper”. As Eve was the “helper”, Adam, therefore, could not be the one to make the decision to go for knowledge. This was explicitly preserved in record by God with this statement by Adam when God confronted him for disobeying His command.

Then the man said, “The woman whom You gave to be with me,

she gave me of the tree, and I ate.”Genesis 3: 12 (NKJV) (emphasis original).

E.      Desire as the Neutral Neutron of Emotions.

      If you do get a copy of my book, then you will find this claim. As emotions were designed in imitation of the atom’s three particles, and as our scientists have confirmed that emotions are designed as positive and negative just as the atom has positive, negative, and neutron particles, it is my claim then that emotions, as required of the magnificence of the three or the design of heaven and earth, must also have a neutral neutron. If life on heaven and earth was designed in imitation of the atom’s design, emotions like human beings who has God as the neutron in their relationship, were mandated to have a neutral neutron.

      This is where it made even more sense for God to couple “desire” with Eve in the decision to go for knowledge. It is my claim that God presented “desire” as the neutron that sits between positive and negative emotions, or as I claim, the “Mother” of emotions. God presented “desire” as the emotion that plays this role, and God included both the Mother of mankind (Eve) and the Mother of emotions (desire) in the decision for the future of mankind.

      Desire is still an ongoing subject of debate. But a call by a 1950 Nobel Prize winner for Literature, Bertrand Russel, who claimed that “[A]ll human activity is prompted by desire”, defined what God was trying to tell us about the nature of “desire” and why it was involved with the decision by Eve. (Bertrand, 1950). It is my claim that “desire” is the mother of emotions, and that no emotion can be activated without the individual’s desire to do so. You cannot be angry, love, hate, or forgive without the desire to do so.

      As emotions were designed in imitation of the atom’s particles as helpers for mankind to improve our chances of survival, the design mandated for emotions to have a neutron. This was the purpose of “desire”. Both negative and positive emotions depend on “desire” to activate them or give them life, just as man and woman depend on God for life.

      So overall, the inclusion of “desire” in Eve’s decision to go for knowledge, revealed the meaning of her purpose as designed as the “helper” for Adam. God repackaged emotions with skin and bones and Eve, the opposite of Adam the male was the end result.

      I end this blog with this question that is discussed further in the book. Are women more emotional than men? You now have a general idea of why based on the assignment given by God, and this task involved the use of “emotions”. Eve was the manifestation of “emotions” in the flesh.

      Thank you for stopping by and if it is interesting to you, I don’t mind you sharing it with your loved ones and friends. Have a wonderful day/evening wherever you are in the world today. Stay blessed.

Timeout A Taumua, Author




  • Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I really appreciate your efforts and I am waiting for your next write ups thank you once again.

    • A
      Timeout Taumua

      Hello. Thank you for taking the time to explore. The book this subject is discussed in is titled THE MAGNIFICENCE OF THE 3. It is available on Amazon, Walmart and Barnes and Noble. Hope you get a copy. Book has won two awards and given two Honorable Mention after ten months of release. Awards mean these Christians understand just like you with contentions that have never been heard of before. You can click on YouTube icon on my Home Page also and check out videos on there discussing some of these subjects. Appreciate you finding the time. I should be on Podcasts soon to discuss book also. I will let you know. Stay Blessed.

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