In Memory Of A Son of God: Yitzhak Rabin

November 9, 2023
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A. The Murder and Retributions of Leviticus 26.

      I remember the light-hearted celebrations on the streets of Israel after that fateful day in 1995 when Israel murdered Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. I still remember the shock and anxiety while watching the events unfolding. Because of how he was murdered, a shot in the back, and the reason for it, of trying to promote peace with his Palestinian cousins by blood forced me to review my unwavering support for Israel based on the premise that these were God’s chosen people. There was support by religious conservatives for the murder of a man searching for peace. A shot in the back no less! I then remember the cause of the retributions of Leviticus 26 (NKJV).

      I grew up as a Methodist and cheered Israel during their struggles with the Arabs as a child and a grown adult. But since the murder of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, I took a step back and I began to view Israel with a glass eye. Since then, Israel was no longer a black-and-white image to a child, but a mirage of unrecognized hypnotizing colors of European origins.  

      What I remember from that day, was a segment on the news showing some supporters of the current Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, celebrating the murder the day after. It was then I remembered the blessings promised to Israel if they followed the law, and retributions if they disobeyed in Leviticus 26, supra.

      The retributions to Israel did come true and were horrible as recorded throughout history (Ahuvia, n.d.), and these retributions were never recalled by God personally when it came to the land. So even today, these retributions continue and the latest attack by the Palestinians is an example. Numbers 33: 55-56 (NKJV).

B. A Nation of Priests but to whom?

      I recently released my book titled the “THE MAGNIFICENCE OF THE 3”. It is about the scientific nature of the Torah and the Bible. I am making two primary claims there. First, God was fully aware of the atom when He said He created the heavens and earth; and second, after Adam and Eve were created, the rest of Biblical stories were about how God designed the brain to be developed and expanded intellectually with the use of emotions.

      Included in God’s plans for brain development, was a task assigned to Israel as Priests. This assignment holds the key to unlocking God’s plans both for Israel and the land that was once promised to Abraham and his descendants but recalled by God personally.

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestinians with the 2023 version, began when the Western European Christians, took it upon themselves to return Israelites from across Europe after the Second World War in 1945, to the land that God once promised Abraham and his descendants. Israel became a nation on this piece of land in 1948. The land, however, had been settled by both Arabs and Jews since the Romans destroyed Jerusalem in the year 70 AD.

      According to records, both groups existed peacefully for centuries but after the return in 1948, came the violence that continues today. This violence included the murder of the former Prime Minister by a supporter of the current Prime Minister, whose policy had been to remove Palestinians from the promised land. The murdered Prime Minister was pursuing a policy of living with Palestinians in peace.

      The leading question that ended up clarifying God’s plans for me regarding the land was this: if Israel was going to be a nation of priests, who were they going to be priests to?

      If the plan was for them to be priests to one another, and if God was to be kept to themselves and on this land, then it makes sense for God to protect Israel and keep them there in perpetuity. But that was not how it went.

      God let the pagans take the ten northern tribes of Israel as slaves, 2 Kings 17 (NKJV); then God let the pagans destroy the Temple and burn Jerusalem. 2 Kings 25 (NKJV). God then also let another group of pagans invade the promised land and took the southern tribe of Judah as slaves also, 2 Kings 25, supra, and the Romans invaded as well and burned Jerusalem to the ground for the second time in 70 AD. The Romans also took Israelites as slaves.

      God did not interfere in these affairs for His chosen tribe. There are several reasons discussed in the book why God did not intervene. For example, Israel eventually turned to idol worshipping and this was the most offensive of all violations. See generally 2 Kings 12 – 25 (NKJV). God issued a warning in Leviticus 26, supra, that Israel was going to be disbursed to the lands of their enemies, and the land was going to rest without them if they didn’t follow the laws.

      God did not say anything again in the record about Israel returning to the land once they were disbursed from it for idolatry according to Leviticus 26: 34-35, supra, which says:

“Then the land shall enjoy its sabbaths as long as it lies desolate and you are in your enemies’ land; then the land shall rest and enjoy its sabbaths. As long as it lies desolate it shall rest — for the time it did not rest on your sabbaths when you dwelt in it”.

      The Jews and Christians had been using all other passages in the Bible proposed by Israel’s Prophets when the subject of the land comes up using the old adage of “spiritually inspired” scriptures but ignored specific instructions given from God’s holy lips in Leviticus 26, supra.

      The only other time that the subject of the promised land was addressed by God personally, that is if Jesus was God according to Christians, was recorded in Acts 1: 6-8 (NKJV). After the crucifixion and resurrection, the Apostles asked Jesus whether He was going to restore the kingdom of Israel and Jesus pretty much responded that it was not their business but God’s. sSeeActs 1: 7, supra.

“And He said to them, “it is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has put in His own authority””.

      In the next sentence of the response to the Apostles, however, Jesus officially clarified the meaning of the tasks as priests as assigned to Israel originally:

“But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1: 8, supra.

      This was a clue that I submit as evidence, to support claim that Israelites were not meant to be priests to each other, but for God in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria “and to the ends of the earth”.

      Jesus’s response was consistent with the message encased in the original assignment on Mt Sinai. When the task was assigned, God first made known to Israel that “… all of the earth is Mine”. Then the assignment as a kingdom of Priests was given. Exodus 19: 5-6 (NKJV).

      However, once Israel settled the land, they disobeyed and worshipped idols. So the articles of Leviticus 26 were enacted. Israel was then dispersed from the land and just as God promised, they suffered greatly in the lands of their enemies.

      As I explain in the book, God planned to expand His tribe beyond Israel to include all of Earth. The reason as I claim, was that by expanding tribe, the human brain would also expand as a result. To understand this part of the brain design better, I am using the “social brain hypothesis” to support my claim which proposes that as human tribes got bigger, so did the brain as it needed to adjust to the complicated social conditions as a result of tribal expansion. (Dunbar, 2012).

      Israel’s task was designed to expand the tribe by being Priests to all of earth that belonged to God. The plan was to unite mankind as a family under God and by doing so, the brain would expand. Science now came to explain this part of brain design with the “social brain hypothesis” and it explains Israel’s original task. By being Priests to one another, they would have no useful purpose for God but just salt of the earth to be trampled upon. Matthew 5: 13-14 (NKJV).

The support of my claim in that Israelites were not supposed to be stuck on a piece of land playing priests to each other was clarified by God during his second return and recorded in the New Testament.

      He clarified the meaning of the Priesthood task by telling His Jewish Apostles that they were “… to be witnesses to me in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth.” See also Matthew 28: 19-20 (NKJV). Jesus made known then that the task of Priesthood, was to expand His tribe “to the ends of the earth”. It explained why God did not intervene when pagans forcefully took Israel as slaves from the land and destroyed Jerusalem.

C. The Tree of Life: Ten Commandments

      It is also my claim that the supporting biblical evidence that led to the loss of the promised land, came with the Ten Commandments. In case you did not notice, Commandments 8 – 10 forbade Israel from stealing, bearing false witness against neighbor, and coveting neighbor’s properties including wife and servants.

      And if you know your scriptures, then you must be aware that the land that was promised to Abraham and his descendants was already occupied by other tribes. Genesis 15: 18-20 (NKJV). God ordered Israel to take the land by force, then God issued the commandments that forbade what He ordered Israel to do.

      Confusing right? As I explain in the book, the contradictions between the promise and the Commandments, projected God’s design of the human brain. I am using a theory referred to as the triune brain theory to explain this contraction.

      God promised the land to Abraham during the period that man was equipped only with the reptilian brain unit, and during the early stages of developing the second brain unit which came to be referred to as the limbic brain or the emotional brain. The last brain unit to be developed is the neocortex or the smart brain. It was during the development of the second brain unit that the Ten Commandments were issued to Israel.

      What experts hardly discuss is the contradiction between the promise and the Commandments regarding the land. But once the commandments were issued, it is my claim that they legally outweighed the promise that was given to Abraham. This claim is supported by Leviticus 26, supra.

      The reason was that it was in Leviticus that God placed conditions on Israel regarding the land. There were two conditions: first, was that if Israel refused to obey and observe the Commandments, then retributions that would befall them also included losing the land. Leviticus 26: 33-35 & 43, surpa. Second, but even in enemies’ lands, God would not cast them away, nor abhorred them to utterly destroy them as that would break the covenant, Leviticus 26, at 44.

So based on record, taking the land from Israel would not break the covenant, but casting them away or destroying them would.

      In the modern world, I claim that the Commandments are equivalent to a nation’s Constitution whereas the promise to Abraham with the land is equivalent to a contract. This is because God placed conditions on keeping the land.  If Israel failed to perform an act (obey the law), then the land was to be taken from them.

That was exactly how it went down on the record and God let the pagans disperse Israel from the land. As they spread out however, they ended up performing their tasks as Priests by introducing their God to other ethnic groups they came in contact with.

      There is no record of God changing His mind after Leviticus. So the Ark was removed first, and then Jerusalem was destroyed not once, but twice and God never interfered with pagans as they slaughtered Israel on the promised land.

      The Commandments, Leviticus 26 and Acts 1, all support keeping Israel out of the land that was once promised to Abraham. Support is found today among some of Israel’s Rabbis.

D. Palestinians and Jews as Genetic Cousins

      What is even more troubling to me today is the fact that the Hebrews are fully aware from genetic testing that out of all the Arabs, the Palestinians are their closest cousins. (Glausiusz, 2015).

      Records revealed that when the dust was settled after the creation of the nation of Israel in 1948, around 700,000 Palestinian Arabs fled or displaced. Israel had been accused of genocide committed on Palestinians in 1948.  The back-and-forth violence began since then as Palestinians wanted their land back but Israel claimed that the land was promised to them by their God using all other scriptures by Israel’s prophets but God’s command in Leviticus 26.

      Even squeezed into space that had been referred to as an open prison refugee camp today in Gaza, Israel continues to take more lands from Palestinians by building settlements in it. The United Nations in 2016 passed a resolution that reaffirmed the conclusion that continuing settlements of Palestinian territory by Israel violated international law. In 2022, fifteen European nations urged Israel to stop building additional Jewish settlements on Palestinians’ territory on the West Bank. Almost a month prior to the Hamas assault on Jewish settlements on October 7, 2023, both the United States and the European Union condemned plans by Israel to build a Jewish enclave in the Palestinian West Bank.

      All this counsel and others for Israel regarding the lives of Palestinians however were ignored.

E. Conclusion

The shot that took the life of former Prime Minister Rabin was an earthly one for certain, but this shot however, if Jesus was God, was definitely heard in the heavens then as Israel murdered a Son of God from the Sermon on the Mount. Matthews 5: 9 (NKJV).

    I had no idea of the atrocities committed by the Israeli returnees on Palestinians in 1948 until the internet provided access to records that might have been intentionally hidden from the public. I consider the murder of a Son of God as the apex of the tower of the new Babylonia that began construction in 1948 against God’s command. Mixed with the blood of Europeans, who for millenniums murdered, raped and stole from other communities of the world by force while introducing the same God of the Jews to them, these euro-returnees did the same to their Palestinian cousins. Like the generations of the tower of Babel, the euro-returnees and their descendants have no fear of God.

      You can still hear it today from Christian leaders who approve of the displacement of Palestinians based on their interpretation of Biblical scriptures. They wash their hands and immune themselves from the atrocities they advocate and support by citing prophesies as if dropping bombs on children was part of God’s plan to bring about the end of civilization. Come Sunday and they are out there talking about how Jesus loves all children. And they wonder why the majority of churches look like graveyards rather than playgrounds full of vibrant youths.

      The British and American political leaders continue with the same policy of full support for this new nation since they allowed the Jews back to the land that God dispersed their ancestors from. This full support of Israel naturally includes ignoring the deliberate dropping of bombs on refugee camp full of women and children and the taking of lands from Palestinians by building new settlements in Gaza.

      These are the same people who entice ethnic groups globally with the “loving thy neighbor” law to prove that the God Jews brought to them was the real God. However, in practical applications, this law does not apply to children of Palestinians, even if they are cousins of Israelites. And just like Europeans of the past, it is done in the name of God since this was the land promised. Some killings were not legitimate targets but of plain old murders by Israel and are left unsolved such as journalists reporting on atrocities and hardships of life in the oopen-airprison.

      The support by Christian and Political leaders of taking lands iindicatesthe failure to understand why Palestinians do what they do with the violence and the call for the elimination of Israel. Be informed that what Palestinians do, had been the basic response by all ethnic groups of the world to invasion by Europeans for millenniums that resulted in stealing of resources, murder ,and rape: resist with violence.  

      As Israel’s plans according to news outlets include leaving the military in Gaza after the invasion, expect this violence to continue as thorns on Israel’s side just as the Angel told their ancestors in the Scriptures. Numbers 33: 55-56 (NKJV)

      One of the most important claims I am submitting in the book, is about how God reassigned the title of Promised Land in the modern world to a land of Gentiles. I have many pieces of circumstantial evidence submitted in support, and one of them inincludeshe recreation of the Ark of the Covenant by a Gentile tribe. Since the Ark was designed by God, then wherever the Ark is, so is He.

As the evidence points toward the assignment of a new promised land, the violence we are witnessing between Israel and Palestinians will continue for as long as the disobedient returnees are committed to viviolatinghe command “to let the land rest” as it never did while their ancestors were there. God took the Ark and let the pagans destroy Jerusalem not once but twice, then let the pagans take Israel and Judah as slaves, and let them have the land. How obvious does God have to be of plans for Israel?

      The genetic DNA link that turned Palestinians into cousins rather than a religious group, pose problems for Israel as God’s chosen. To be or not to be. The Palestinians are more than just neighbors but Abraham’s descendants just like themselves. To choose the land over the lives of your ownetic cousins, question the validity of the Torah and Bible altogether. Which group of people are we allowed to love and whom to hate? Love only the Jews and hate their cousins?

Children are now on the streets protesting against God’s people with the real Jew-hating crowd. Troubling but yet of great significance, is the fact that some of these kids protesting on behalf of Palestinians are some brave Jews and Christian children.

      Is the contradictions between the messages from the pulpits and practical applications in real life of scriptures behind the closure of thousands of Christian churches in the U.S. and Europe annually, as well as the steady decline in belief in the God of the Jews?

      It is for certain a fact though that Israel continues to provide evidence for the atheists and anti-God segments of society when the legitimacy of God comes up. If you can’t love your own cousins, why do you expect others to love you? God is having a hard time recovering in the Western world, and NO, it is not a sign of God returning, but of manmade atrocities done in God’s name.

      The discovery of the genetic link must play a paramount role in designing a solution based on the Torah and Bible. This is consistent with the Commandments and Blessings engraved in the Sermon on the Mount. But in the shadow of all decisions by Israel, is the fact that God told their ancestors directly that once they were dispersed, the land was to rest without them as it never did while they were there.

      It was consistent with the overall plan of performing their tasks as Priests to the world rather than to themselves on a piece of land, isolated from all of the earth.

      In honor of the memory of a Son of God, former Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, I urge you to stand for the God of the Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount like the venerable Prime Minister did. Love your family and neighbor, otherwise, God never recalled the retributions of Leviticus 26.

Timeout A Taumua, Author




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