The Biblical Manifestation of the Atom

September 15, 2023
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The “waters” of Genesis 1: 2

Hello and Welcome.  The “waters” of Genesis is one of the unresolved mysteries of the Bible. Consider it resolved today and I thank our scientific experts and researchers for solving this for us. The “waters” of Genesis 1: 2 as I claim, was the first marker that God preserved in record, as the manifestation of the invisible atom, and a witness on His behalf.

      So blessed are our living generations as the mysteries have been revealed one by one by our scientists and I greet you here with an example.

      I often found myself as the butt of jokes whenever I suggested to groups on social media that the Bible is a scientific document that needs some serious analysis by our scientists. The weirdest thing of all was that this crowd included Christians and Hebrews. So I do anticipate a lot of drama when “THE MAGNIFICENCE OF THE 3” is released.

      When I started researching for this project, the first manifestation of the clues about the scientific nature of the biblical record began with the presence of “waters” in the second verse of Genesis 1: 2 (NKJV) (emphasis added). This was how God preserved the information.

The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the “face of the waters”.  

A. Waters as Evidence of the Atom’s Presence


   This was where I began the initial project, by looking over scientific research about the origin of waters in the universe, or how it came to exist in its forms that we have today.  This was how I came across the discovery of the biggest body of water vapor in iced form that was in the universe for billions of years before Earth was formed (Staff, 2011).

      When I came across this, I sat back and wondered why nobody else could see the parallel of this modern discovery to the record in Genesis.  Our scientists came to conclude that “waters” were in the heavens before Earth was formed!  Why didn’t anyone see this as a monumental biblical discovery?  The answer is simple, even most of God’s own promoters and advocators can’t swallow the idea of God as a scientist (Thielen, 2014).

      This was however where I began the first draft of the book. Then one day a few years later, the image of the atom came across my screen, and then a whole new book came to life which ended up as “THE MAGNFICENCE OF THE 3”. 

      But the presence of “waters” before Earth was created is significant today as it became one of numerous factual pieces of scientific evidence that I discovered hidden in God’s record.  This was the very first biblical piece of circumstantial evidence that God archived, that turned out to be proven scientifically by our experts as a fact. This is because there is no dispute today amongst scientists that “waters” were in the universe before Earth was formed based on their own data. This was the first scientific marker God left on record for us.

      Water’s status in creation was so monumental that if one looks very closely at the record, water was the only matter in the universe and found on earth that God did not specifically say He created. I am still trying to figure this parable out as it is definitely one! It was almost like God was saying that water was just as old as Him.

      Was it just a fluke of a coincidence; or was it like so because God was the One who designed the heaven and earth like He said in the first verse of Genesis?  Science with advanced knowledge came to explain the evidence much further and clearer, however.

      For example, the second weirdest thing about the record was that “waters” was presented in plural form rather than singular. What I mean is that God cited “waters”, meaning that God was floating over a lot of “waters”, instead of “water”, which is a singular form, that would have indicated a single or one body of water.  So the record was saying that God was hovering over a lot of “waters” instead of one single body of water.

      But since there was no earth to hold any water or “waters”, where were these “waters” at?  This had caused confusion for centuries.

      Enter our cosmic researchers with equipment to explain what these “waters” were. According to them, before any planets and galaxies were formed, microscopic dusts were floating around in the universe. But riding on these specks of dust were water vapors that were in iced forms. This meant that each dust had iced water attached to it.

      So what God referred to as “waters” in the plural, turned out to be explained scientifically with the uncountable trillions of specks of dust floating around in the universe (Brennan, n.d.). On these trillion of dust particles, were these iced “waters” and because of their uncountable number, it explains to me why God cited “waters” in plural form rather than a single body of water.  

      So two facts had been provided by our experts that explain for me the presence of “waters” in plural form in the universe before Earth was formed. First, the timing of the presence of “waters” in the universe before Earth was formed confirmed God’s record. God found waters in the second verse, but Earth was created later in verses 9-13, which was the third day of creation. So “waters” was in the universe according to God before Earth was formed.

B. “Waters” as a Tool of Creation.


  Second, based on scientific findings, there were trillions of specks of dust floating around in the universe before Earth was formed. But attached to these specks of dust, were iced vapors.

      According to Biblical record, God entered the scene and found Himself floating on top of “waters” in the plural form. Our scientists with equipment have now provided the scientific facts to support God’s claim, and clarify why God used “waters” in the plural form.

      God’s record turned out to parallel the latest scientific findings and His assertion manifested into a scientific fact.

      It gets even better for God. Here is additional pieces of scientific evidence that explain even further why “waters” in the plural form were in the universe before Earth was created.

      As it turned out, our scientists now claim that the iced “waters” that were riding around on dusts, were actually used as a form of super glue to hold dust particles together. These uncountable dust particles got glued together and they eventually turned into rocks as they got bigger, and these rocks eventually became planets like our very own Earth (Brennan, n.d.), supra.

      So scientifically, specks of dust and “waters” became materials that the heavens and Earth were created with. This is a significant scientific conclusion as it adds another scientific fact to explain why God presented “waters” to us first before Earth was formed.

      The timing of how God placed “waters” in the heavens with the sequence of events before Earth was created can now be explained scientifically by our experts. There would have been no sun, stars, no moon, or earth without “waters”. Our scientists came later and explained that both dust and iced “waters” became materials that were used in creating physical structures of the universe including our Earth.

      It is therefore consistent with God’s record as Earth was created later after “waters”. Was it a convenient coincidence of how the biblical sequence of events placed “waters” in the universe before Earth was created?  Or was this a record that we can apply as a piece of circumstantial evidence in support of God’s declaration that He created the heavens and Earth?

      These are simple examples of the scientific nature of the biblical record, related to the presence of “waters” in the plural form before Earth was formed. There are additional explanations included in the book of why “waters” turned out to be significant evidence on behalf of God and can now be understood with modern scientific discoveries.

C. Waters as a Magnificence of the Three


     The best convenient coincidence of all was that first, “waters” was designed with only three atoms: two hydrogen atoms and one of oxygen, hence its chemical formula of H2O. 

      As I claim in book, the scientific design of “waters” with its three atoms, was consistent with how God presented it in His record, as a fundamental element of the universe equivalent to the atom, and therefore an element of the “The Magnificence of the 3”.

      As if to ensure that we do not miss the point, “waters” turned out to be the only matter in the heavens and earth that can change itself into three different shapes: liquid, solid, and gas.

      I am claiming that the trinity nature of water supports my claim as God projected it as one of the three fundamental elements of creation: God, dust, and “waters”. All in the universe were created out of two materials (dust and water), and both were made from atoms.

      And as I claim in book, the presence of “waters” already created when God entered the scene, also meant the presence of the ATOM. Since the ATOM was invisible, God used “waters” to preserve records of how He was aware of this invisible material that turned out to be the material that all ordinary matters of heaven and earth were made.

      As it is now a scientific fact, both the ATOM and water were matters structured with the magnificence of the three: the atom is made of three particles, whereas water is made of three atoms, and the only matter to change itself into three separate forms.

      In the second verse of Genesis, God placed the tools required for creating heaven and earth, those of dust and “waters”. God presented “waters” and our scientists came later and explained why God found “waters” in the plural form when the universe was void but with darkness. And both (dust and water) were made from the invisible atom. Not only was the presence of “waters” before earth was created can now be explained scientifically, but it scientifically denoted the presence of the invisible ATOM.

      God as I found out, left a lot of clues for us to discover and it began with “waters”.  Because of its role in the construction of everything in the heavens and on Earth including the human body, it is not a coincidence that our scientists now refer to “waters” as the molecule of life (Dunbar, 2007). Authors of the biblical record, however, were the first to refer to water as such as was in John 4: 13-14 (NKJV):

“Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

      “Waters” was the first marker God left on record of His creative skills as a Scientist. So fundamental was “waters” that most do not notice that even though God said that He created the heavens and Earth, “waters” was the only matter on record that God did not specifically say He created. Like God, “waters” was just there, without a beginning or a past.

      Pray you get a copy of the book and be part of the discussion about God’s magnificent scientific design of heaven and Earth. 

      Thank you for visiting.  Stay blessed, take care of yourself, and hope the book will either start a new relationship with our Creator or bring you closer to finding your own purpose. With God’s Grace, Love, and Peace, we shall meet again.

Your Servant,

Timeout A. Taumua,




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