The Gentiles’ Promised Land.

July 19, 2023
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Liberty of the Second Most Important Command

Hello and welcome. Thank you for visiting. This blog is a poem dedicated to my ancestors whom I have come to believe, were Seekers with a purpose.

During my research for the “THE MAGNIFICENCE OF THE 3”, I came across an article about the discovery of a Polynesian DNA in an American Native.   This is the oldest DNA discovered in a Native American so far and estimated to be as far back as seventeen thousand years ago (Inbody, June 19, 2019).  It is a fascinating discovery to me.  The reason is because I grew up wondering about the motivation behind the Polynesian migration that some referred to as the greatest migration and navigation in human history. 

From the tiny island of Samoa in the South Pacific came these explorers in hollowed out tree trunks, tied together with vines like the one preserved in photo above, as if they were seeking a destiny. They settled all islands in the South Pacific, but the migration began from Samoa (Bower, 2021).

The latest DNA results revealed how far the migration spread across the Pacific.  I am confident today while putting the book together that the migration was for a purpose, and this purpose was to search out a destination. This destination was the lands that came to be known as the Americas. 

It was no coincident that thousands of years later, the islands of Mānua, one of the islands of Samoa where the first Polynesians settled upon, became a territory of America. It was no coincident that America ended up taking over other Polynesian islands such as the Hawaiian Islands as well. It was no coincident that it was the Hawaiian Islands that the Japanese attacked that led to the use of the atom bomb that I claim, was the duplicate of the Ark of the Covenant.

The discovery of the Polynesian DNA with a Native American, and the political links between the Polynesian islands with America today, are coincidences that I am claiming, indicate the destiny that was meant to be. Historical facts appear coincidental, but the links including the Japanese attack that led to the use of the duplicate of the Ark of the Covenant on Japan, project a case in support of the newly anointed “honey and milk” land of the modern world.

If Only they had EXPEDIA then. Make life easier. Simply let EXPEDIA do the footwork for you.

So to commemorate the occasion, I came up with the only thing I can afford to honor my ancestors for the success of their mission, a poem.  Enjoy.

A Seeker’s Liberty

Once were Navigators of life,

Of a Tribe of the Tides, of motivation, of ancient drive,

With the winds on their backs, of troubled Spirits and Minds,

Marking the oceans with blood and brine,

O’ Lions of the Southern Cross, a pride of Once Upon a Time,

Of legends, of self-made Masters of the tides,

Of Mana, of blood, of Heavens as Their guide,

To curiosities lie Adventures of the Wise,

Of ancient Trees of Life, to die is to survive,

Tipping over mountains of life, as is the purpose of the might,

To new horizons await traits of the Divine,

As Immortality is of Spirit and Mind,

But to the Creator we seek ungratefulness of life,

Unaware of nights of an ocean Pride,

Riding miles upon miles upon miles of salty smiles

As if to answer a call from Father Time,

To come, make a Name and testify,

Take my Holiness far and wide,

For Loving Thy child was the Root of your Kind,

To the Elders is the Culture of our lives,

A Garden tool of the wise of science,

For the bigger thy tribe, the further thy thrive,

As to survive is the only purpose of thy life,

To be fruitful and thus multiply.

Timeout A. Taumua, Author,




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